Friday, December 19, 2008

Soccer Coach Tips

In this article I have outlined 8 tips that you should bear in mind while coaching your team. As a soccer coach your life is already full with different barriers that you must overcome. Hopefully, this article will help you a little bit on the way.

1. You should have a team assistant who will help you with the uniforms, paperwork, and other game/practice related schedules. This is more important than you may think because sometimes you will be pretty tired and being a coach requires a lot of energy.

2. As a coach you should be able to encourage your players to work hard as a unit. Do not allow any renegades because these players think that they are more important than the whole team. I have experienced this problem several times during my soccer carrier and these players tend to influence very negative on the whole team. Remember, soccer is a team game, not a solo sport.

3. You must always get to your practice session on time. If you don't show up on time then how do you expect your players to do that? You need to statue a good example as the players will follow your behavior.

4. Never yell at your players! Always try to use a calm voice. I know by experience that all players hate when the coach is yelling at them. Sometimes it can be necessary; however, this should not become a habit.

5. Your players need to know their positions on the soccer field. It is therefore very important for you to clarify their duties on the field. Don't let your players run around like a bunch of chickens. Keep in mind that you must always have a tactic for how your team will play.

6. A yearly progress report about each player will be very useful for you and the player. This will make it easier to create a plan on how to develop each of your players. You should not over praise a player's performance as this could make the other players think that he is worth more than them.

7. Always keep in mind that you should have fun whilst coaching. If you want to succeed as coach you will also need to enjoy your work. It is like any other job, if you don't have fun then you will not either perform any well.

8. If you make mistakes, then make your players aware of that. Don't pretend like you know everything! We are not more than humans, and we all make mistakes.